Abortion is the most important issue in the U.S. today and will remain at the top of the list until abortion is ended as a practice across the country. The only circumstance where abortion is justified by divine law is when the life of the mother-to-be is seriously threatened by the pregnancy or delivery.
Abortion creates a serious karmic penalty for the many women and girls that have had abortions and for the country itself because all, the seen and the unseen, are affected by the act of abortion. As a nation, we are karmically accountable for what we allow within our borders and the ripples of violence and anti-life energy that are sent out each time an abortion is committed tears at the very fabric and harmony of our national identity and existence.
Balancing the karma of abortion through forgiveness and service to life
Because the following information makes it clear what is going on during abortion and reveals the spiritual consequences of abortion, I want to provide the following perspective that may help alleviate further burden, remorse, or guilt in anyone that been responsible for an abortion.
The truth about abortion can be shock to a person that has been misled by the popular concepts that try to justify abortion today, such as “My body, my right” or “We didn’t plan to have a child and it is just not the right time.” So, it is important to know there is a way out, a way to process the realization that abortion is a big mistake and then to take action to start to make things right.
Click on this link for the excerpt "There is Forgiveness after Abortion," from the excellent book Wanting to Be Born, compiled by Dr. Neroli Duffy based on the teachings of Elizabeth Clare Prophet (The Summit Lighthouse Library).
When considering rendering service to life, we should all be aware of the example of Norma McCorvey who was “Jane Roe” in the Roe vs Wade Supreme Court case and decision that legalized abortion. Norma actually never had the abortion she had fought for and ended up delivering the baby naturally and putting her daughter up for adoption. Later she converted to the pro-life side of the question and campaigned against abortion, even starting a pro-life group, “Roe No More.”
Evidence based on spiritual perspectives shows that abortion is a grievous error.
Most of the following points are given as brief statements, but each is backed up by a substantial amount of additional information available in the teachings of the ascended masters.
Planning on high for our incarnation
Our God is very caring about giving each one of us the best opportunity to make progress in our soul’s evolution during each embodiment, taking our karma into account. One of the ways this occurs is in the preparation of a life plan by spiritual counselors and ourselves in our higher consciousness prior to taking embodiment. The planning involves such things as looking at perspective parents, assigning specific work to accomplish, and determining the timing of our next birth. Needless to say, all this wonderful and critical work that goes into the preparation of the soul’s life plan and the soul’s hope and anticipation of a coming opportunity is cruelly destroyed if the prospective parents sabotage the pregnancy through abortion. Click here for more information on planning for the soul, "A Timetable for Each Soul."
Abortion creates negative karma—
The negative karma incurred by a woman and partner for aborting a baby is similar to the karma for murder. God determines the best way for the woman to expiate the karmic liability, which in some cases may require her to directly nurture in a future life the specific soul she aborted. Abortion is certain to have a limiting effect upon the woman’s opportunities until the karma is balanced.
Abortion creates extreme trauma for the soul that was aborted due to the wrenching physical experience of abortion. For more on this click here: "Pain of Abortion."
Thwarts group mission
Not only is a single soul’s life plan cancelled out by abortion, planning for incarnation often involves the coordination of the life plan for a group of souls, a “mandala,” that have a group assignment to fulfill. A group plan may coordinate two souls to be born in the same time frame so that they may meet in life, be married, and sponsor other souls by having children and/or carry out a certain work by applying attainment from prior lives. Life plans may also involve several coordinated births so a group of souls are embodied at the same time to develop a new medical cure or technology, for example. One again, the abortion of one or more souls scheduled to be in embodiment together disrupts or denies a precious and beneficial opportunity for the group of souls to complete their integrated mission.
Society and civilization lose
Aborted life plans and group missions result in the loss to society of the important inventions, cures for diseases, and not the least, the gift of self, qualities of love, and all virtues and attainment the aborted souls would have brought to share with others. The effect of all this is to set back important time tables for the country and earth.
Vulnerability to cataclysm—Allowing abortion has created a dangerous vulnerability for the U.S. Some Christian ministers have rightly declared that abortion and certain perverse behaviors have made our country vulnerable to darkness, such as cataclysm, terrorism and threats to our economy. We are a nation that is protected by the Almighty (see America the Beautiful tab). But any nation that fundamentally violates God’s laws (cosmic law) can and will lose protection and blessings because destructive choices put that nation outside of God’s circle of protection. We have seen karmic recompense in the form of intense storms, floods, hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes which have not been able to be mitigated because of the sins of the people.
Karma upon nation
The United States of America was created and sponsored by the Almighty as a way-shower nation to the world, which is the reason this nation has stood above all others, in many ways. However, because abortion was made legal, other countries have followed our bad example and the additional karma is upon us. If we wonder why our nation is struggling in so many ways we don’t have to look much further than the issue of abortion. We are all accountable for wrongdoings done at the national level and pay a price for it. It is important for all who know the truth about abortion to speak up, inform others, and turn back the slaughter of children.
Soul evolution hindered
Over 60 million abortions have occurred in the US since Roe vs Wade. If not aborted, this number of children would have grown into adulthood and today would constitute 18% of the current population. And the children these persons would have had but did not because they were denied birth would have increased this percentage significantly. The negative impact to our country is incalculable. And the cynical view that it is better that these souls weren’t born because there are already too many people in the country is simply untrue because every conception that occurs is ordained by the Holy Spirit. Here is a scary thought and an unacceptable outcome – Over the past 45 years, abortion has essentially cancelled out the entire process God has created for the evolution of souls through reincarnation and working out karma with others for almost one of every five souls granted the opportunity to embody in our country.
Wisdom of Enoch
Enoch was a patriarch in the lineage that preceded Jesus Christ and he prophesized the coming of Jesus. Scripture indicates that Enoch was the “seventh from Adam” and reverence for his name and teaching is found in many places in the New Testament. The Book of Enoch teaches that it was the fallen angels that taught women on earth the procedure of abortion so that the offspring of their fornication did not have to be cared for and abortion was also intended as a means to keep population numbers in check. This is the dark origin of abortion and this understanding should tell us to reject it as an evil by-product of the fallen angels.
As a final word, it is worth noting that in 2003 Norma McCorvey, mentioned above, in her pro-life activism later in life gathered 1,000 affidavits from women in Texas that had had an abortion and deeply regretted it, and submitted these documents to the U.S. District Court in Dallas as part of a motion to have the original Roe vs. Wade decision overturned. Unfortunately, the motion was dismissed.
I believe that greater understanding in the hearts and minds of the people of the profound love relationship we have with the Almighty and appreciation of the opportunity given to us as souls evolving on earth will tip the scales of justice on earth to eliminate abortion.
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