TSL and Messengers
The Summit Lighthouse provides unique and profound teachings from the ascended masters that have delivered truth and hope for many devoted students around the world. A main attraction of the teachings is learning about your divine origin in God and applying the precepts of cosmic law to uplift your life and increase your capacity to be a positive influence with your family, friends, and community. Being in sync with the Higher Self enables a person to develop self-mastery and inner peace knowing all-the-while that the peace you bring radiates out to help others too.
It seems like a miracle that we have these teachings at all, but the ascended masters explain that heaven is closer to us than most people understand, and this enables communication between the two worlds. So, while the delivery of the teachings is extraordinary, the exchange of light and information between heaven and earth has been going on between God and man and woman since the beginning.
Starting with the founding of the Theosophical Society in 1875, eastern adepts and later ascended masters began an experiment that was an effort to deliver new teachings to mankind that would be needed to meet the challenges of the developing modern world.
The model used by the ascended masters has been to painstakingly prepare spiritually advanced persons over a series of lifetimes to serve as a “messenger” to record enlightened teachings from heaven and publish them for interested followers. Each messenger to be, therefore, has been trained on the inner and through outer experiences in many lifetimes to able to respond to the ascended masters and dependably carry out this kind of very high and demanding mission.
This approach by the ascended masters has resulted in a series of sponsored organizations over the last 144 years as the years have rolled on. The first organization, the Theosophical Society, was followed by the Agni Yoga Society, the I AM Movement, the Bridge to Freedom, and most recently The Summit Lighthouse. These organizations represent a heritage and tradition of the ascended masters work on earth.
Each one of these organizations is described in further detail below starting with The Summit Lighthouse (TSL) and continuing with the earlier organizations.
It is fair to ask the question “With so many diverse religions and sects already in the world, why would the ascended masters feel compelled to launch new spiritual teachings?”
The first point to grasp is that the release of these teachings is an effort to restore the foundation of ancient wisdom to our modern civilization. The rock foundation of cosmic law goes back tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, and really to the time of our beginning in Spirit. The ascended masters have brought God’s ultimate truth to our remembrance and show how these same laws apply without exception in the modern era even though the world we have inherited has grossly departed from honoring God’s laws and covenants. So, one way to look at it is that the ascended masters are “refreshing” our minds and hearts with truth long known but forgotten.
The ascended masters chose to start new organizations to release these teachings since God knows the resistance that happens when centuries old belief systems are questioned as new light is shined on deeply embedded practices. The ascended masters saw what was needed was a break with the stultified religious dogma and trappings of the past. Jesus parable about wine bottles captures this reality:
"No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved." (Matthew 9:16-17)
So, the teachings of the ascended masters are the new “wine” that needed to put into new “bottles” (organizations) to transcend religious dogma and bring us up to date but not reject the core truth and principles underlying the existing world’s religions. The key problem is that some beliefs of every major religion have been modified or distorted from what was intended by the founder so that the purity of the original message is missing today. This is unfortunately also true for Christianity which is intended to be the capstone of high spiritual awareness for many millions of persons and provide an awareness of the Universal Christ presence for all people regardless of their religious affiliation.
A prime example of departure from the truth is the reality of reincarnation. Consider that the doctrine of reincarnation was a fundamental belief of the community in which Jesus was raised and also among the Essenes and later the Gnostics which became one of the strongest Christian sects following Jesus' mission. In fact, even one of the Hebrew sects that opposed Jesus, the Pharisees, taught reincarnation.
There are still several strong references to the reality of reincarnation in the Bible but the doctrine was minimized to the point of being essentially eliminated by powerful Church fathers and their councils in the first few centuries after Christ. Persons such as Clement of Rome, Irenaeus, Ignatius of Antioch, Augustine, and the Council of Nicea sought to standardize and control through doctrine the observance and development of Christianity. They may have had reasonable goals of insuring the continuity of the religion but the effects were something else. They reinterpreted Jesus' teachings and succeeded in establishing a structure that secured the power base of the church and controlled the religious. These were not Jesus' stated aims. And the suppression of the beliefs and popularity of non-orthodox, free-thinking Christians first stifled then silenced many spiritual communities that embraced a deeper, mystical understanding of Jesus' teachings.
Consider how differently a person should feel about themselves and their relationship to God if they know they have lived many lifetimes before and are working out their salvation in each life as compared to thinking this life being the only one he or she will have. Denial of the truth of reincarnation is absolute robbery! And is an example of why the ascended masters have brought their teachings today: To correct lies, denials, and misinformation in all kinds of spiritual matters by telling the complete story of being.
Messengers of the Ascended Masters
The technique of the ascended masters communicating through messengers is as tried and true as the prophets of the Old Testament yet with the new twist of selecting and training persons that were capable of presenting themselves in a charismatic way to gain the attention of students seeking this particular spiritual path.
Regarding messengers or the saints, it is important to accept the fact that some persons have more spiritual knowledge and attainment than others. We have the record of many saints and sages over the ages that have demonstrated an extraordinary communion with God’s spirit and a profound dedication to serving the Will of God. This being true, it makes no sense to let our individual ego and pride stand in the way of honoring these persons and their work to serve the living God.
Just as there may be persons that are faster, more agile, better looking, or smarter than we are, the people that God has endowed with spiritual powers, such as these messengers, are souls that have worked hard to develop these abilities through lifetimes and they bring their gifts for our blessing.
Image of Francis of Assisi ordaining Clare. Both were later declared saints.
Click the button to read about a few of the embodiments of the messengers, Mark and Elizabeth Prophet.